Monday 10 August 2015

Official U.S. Navy Photos of Arctic UFO Encounter LEAKED

Official U.S. Navy Photos of Arctic UFO Encounter LEAKED

ufo encounter leaked

A set of newly-released photos detail the U.S. Navy’s close encounter with an enormous UFO/USO.
The case was submitted to The Black Vault by researcher/investigator Alex Mistretta, who in turn got them from one of his anonymous sources in Europe. An interesting story is attached to these photos.

real alien incidence

In March 1971, the USS Trepang, a Sturgeon Class attack submarine, was on a routine military and scientific mission at the edge of the Arctic Ocean.

real alien incidence

The exact location of the sighting is unknown, but the submarine’s position was somewhere between Iceland and the Jan Mayen island in the Atlantic.

real alien incidence

The unidentified object was first spotted through the periscope by an officer named John Kilika and the photos were taken by an unnamed officer. The quality of the photos is pretty good, which is uncommon in the field of ufology.

real alien incidence


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